Over the past few months, we haven’t been able to support and engage with our communities the same way we used to. Because we are all working to keep our loved ones healthy and safe, the communities of North Shore Hebrew Academy have drastically changed the ways in which we go about our duties. A very common and generous approach towards holding Shabbat services without mass indoor gatherings has been backyard minyans. By hosting social distant minyans in the backyards of the homes of community leaders, we have been able to allow everyone to participate in the religious ceremonies while still staying safe. In addition, by donating food for the holidays and Shabbat to some of our elders, while wearing masks and staying socially distant, we are able to make them feel loved and appreciated. This kind gesture brings more joy to our grandparent and great grandparent then we even realize. Lastly, donating to charities in this time of economic need is a great way to give back to those who the virus has had an effect on financially. This mitzvah of Tzedakah, or giving charity, is a beautiful way to support those less fortunate, particularly during this challenging time. There is truly no telling what’s to come in this ever changing world, but by staying positive and safe we will be able to maintain an optimistic outlook on anything Hashem throws our way.
I hope that everyone had an easy and meaningful Chag, wishing a Shanah Tova to all!