September 1st is a dreaded day for most students, as it’s the first day of school. This means returning to the cycle of waking up at 6 A.M, learning for hours, and having minimal time for fun. However, September 1st of 2021 was unlike any other year. This was the first time, post the start of the pandemic, that all students were physically in school together. The freshmen got to start off their high school career on a united note, the sophomores were finally able to meet all their classmates in person, the juniors got to join the upperclassmen status as a group, and the seniors got to experience their last first day at NSHAHS together. School, however, is not completely back to normal as covid tests are still being done and masks have yet to be taken off. Senior Adina Neman had a few things to say about the first day of school in the 2021-2022 school year:
Question: Describe your experience of the first day of school.
Answer: The first day was really fun because I got to see all of my friends in person after being separated from them all of last year. It was so exciting finding out who I had classes with and seeing my favorite teachers from past years. The first day also happened to fall on my birthday, so I loved that I could celebrate it with my friends!
Question: How was this year’s first day different from that of the 2020-2021 school year?
Answer: This first day was different from other years because my classmates and I are finally seniors, so the spirit and sense of unity in our grade was magical! It was also really great seeing the whole school come together after hybrid learning last year.
Question: What was your favorite part of the first day?
Answer: Lunch was my favorite part because I finally got to sit down with all my friends at a lunch table. We no longer had to sit at desks, separating us from one another. I also loved meeting all of the new teachers!
Question: What did you do to celebrate the start of your senior year?
Answer: To celebrate the new school year, my friends and I showed our “senior spirit” by decorating our cars with crazy drawings and signatures! We also made our first week as seniors one to remember by having the entire senior class dress up for the week! On Wednesday we all wore white, on Thursday we wore black, and on Friday we had a “Hawaii” themed day. It was a great success!