Although this year's Shiriyah was a bit different than other years, everyone was still able to have an amazing time. The overall point of this Shiriyah was to connect each grade to the theme of Pesach.
The Freshmen were assigned the theme of the four questions that we ask on the seder night. We included many unique ways of expressing the four questions through cakes, hallway decorations, and posters. All of these projects included the questions about Matzah, Maror, dipping twice at the seder, and the leaning at the seder. We really had a fun time competing in the events. People were chanting and supporting their teammates. However, there were some ups and downs with the freshmen’s competitions. We did succeed in the chess tournament as well as the tug-of-war. Unfortunately we did not win the karaoke, the literature trivia, the escape room, apache, and the video game competition, which I think we could've done better in. The competitions were a ton of fun, and everyone in the ninth grade had a chance to participate and to find something that they were interested in. This way, no one was left out.
Freshman Daniel Kohanim says, “That since the whole ninth grade were able to meet for the first time, it made the freshman grade more energetic and work harder and have more spirit for this Shiriyah.” This is something which I think we can all agree on.
Our four generals were Kellen Hakimi, Adelle Monas, Gavi Spinner, and Aspen Schneider. All of the generals said although it was a lot of work, it paid off because everyone had a good time. They also said that everyone had a chance to help out in their own ways making the experience more memorable and better. Thank you to Mrs. Septimus and the administration for organizing this event, we look forward to participating, and hopefully winning, another 3 Shiriyahs.