As many of you know, Lag BaOmer is a festive holiday that we celebrate on the thirty-third day of the counting of the Omer. At North Shore Hebrew Academy High School, we don’t take Lag BaOmer lightly. Each year, the day consists of enjoyable activities for students and faculty members. This year, the Lag BaOmer festivities began with a delicious lunch from Carlos and Gabby’s restaurant. The meal was a huge hit! After the satisfying lunch, everybody proceeded to gather in the gym to participate in and watch exciting sports competitions between students. The teams were organized by hometown, with Brooklyn students competing against Queens students, and Great Neck students playing against Plainview students. As you can imagine, it was incredibly entertaining! The sports tournaments included Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, and Flag Football. According to Mr. Muir, who organized the event, the winning teams will be receiving very exciting prizes. After the incredibly fun sports program came to an end, NSHA’s annual Poet’s Cafe took place. The Poet’s Cafe, run by Mrs. Septimus, is similar to a talent show, where students can perform poetry, music, and theatrical scenes before a crowd. Many students put on wonderful performances; John Shtyfman totally rocked out on his electric guitar, Odelia Kohanim played the piano beautifully, a group of freshmen precisely acted out a scene from a play, and Rabbi Weinberg even gave a dramatic and inspiring recitation of his own poetry! According to Mrs. Septimus, “It was a great afternoon of students sharing their passions and talents in a supportive environment.” As always, Lag BaOmer was an incredible experience in NSHAHS, and students can’t wait to experience it all again next year!
