In all of our Judaic studies classes, we learn about the importance of helping others and performing Chesed. Whether it’s by giving Tzedakah (charity), donating necessities, volunteering at a soup kitchen or performing a simple action to put a smile on someone’s face, we must always be cautious to help our brothers and sisters in need. As such, Chesed is a core value at North Shore. Each week, students participate in several Chesed activities, ranging from Blood Drives to Toy Drives.
North Shore students have recently participated in a wonderful and heartwarming Chesed opportunity called “Color a Smile.” “Color a Smile” is a non-profit organization that distributes cheerful drawings to senior citizens, soldiers, veterans, homebound elderly, children in hospitals and anyone in need of a smile. Our students participated in this special program by coloring Thanksgiving-themed drawings during their lunch periods. Mrs. Gold and Mrs. Septimus supervised the activity, and they brought an extensive range of colored markers and drawing templates for students to use. The event was a huge hit; almost every student dedicated a part of their lunch period to diligently color a picture!
Junior Davina Lavi took it upon herself to collect the drawings and send them to the organization. As she says, “I’m so happy to have taken part in this special program. Everybody had a great time coloring while simultaneously performing a meaningful mitzvah.” The activity was a huge success indeed, and North Shore students helped put smiles on faces that needed ones.
There are many additional Chesed opportunities coming up this month. For example, the Friendship Circle of Great Neck is holding its annual Chanukah Party on Monday, November 29th. As always, it will be a fun and rewarding event, and students are encouraged to join and volunteer! If you are interested in volunteering for Friendship Circle, please contact Eliana Hakimi (‘22).