This past Tuesday, October 25, several North Shore students took part in an online Model Congress competition hosted by HAFTR. Model Congress is a simulation of the United States Congress in which students have the opportunity to learn about the legislative process and see it in action. In order to qualify for the competition, each school must submit a bill to be debated during the event. Each student must also prepare “pro” speeches, “con” speeches, and questions about the bills submitted by other schools. Bill topics can range from proposing a new plan to help our environment to inciting nuclear warfare on another county.
Some of the bills debated at this past competition included a resolution to remove interest on student loans, as well as a resolution to require school nurses to carry guns. NSHAHS submitted a bill titled "A Resolution to Stop The Obesity Upsurge and the Torpid State (The S.T.O.U.T Act)." This resolution focused on improving the school lunches and physical education offered by schools around the country, especially in light of US's child obesity epidemic.
At the event, which was held online, students were split into groups and assigned to virtual meeting rooms, in which they were provided with an agenda, and an opportunity to debate every proposed bill. Each room was equipped with a Presiding Officer, who oversaw the legislative procedures and moderated the debates. There were also two judges assigned to evaluate each group and each student. After hours upon hours of ferocious debating, students were ranked by the judges. NSHAHS is proud to announce that two of our students, Abby Rutta and Chloe Mastour, tied for fourth place. We can’t wait for our next meet on November 16th, and our upcoming Model Congress season!