Your honor, North Shore respectfully submits that this year’s Mock Trial team has certainly achieved victory! North Shore’s “legal eagles” have progressed through the New York State High School Mock Trial Tournament like never before!
Each year, the New York State Bar Association releases a complex and intricate court case, and participating schools are tasked with the mission to absorb the given character roles in order to advance their case.
This year's case involves a teenage singing sensation named Macca Elery McLaughlin, who is suing her parents for supposedly violating their fiduciary duty towards her. At just 14 years old, Macca competed in and won a national singing competition, and she was prized with 500,000 dollars! As a result of her success, her parents, Robbie and Lee McLaughlin, hired new managers and agents for their daughter and created an account with her money. Robbie and Lee decided to invest the money in an IPO, which unexpectedly crashed, completely terminating Macca’s funds. When she finally turned 19, Macca brought a claim against Robbie and Lee, alleging that both parents had grossly mismanaged her funds and failed in their fiduciary roles. They did so by squandering her money and hiring a detrimental manager and public relations agent, causing her gross economic hardship.
The tournament begins with two preliminary rounds. If a team is successful in at least one of these rounds, they advance to the elimination rounds. This year, for the first time in North Shore history, the Mock Trial team, led by coaches Mr. Muir and Ms. Ben-Sorek and student Captain Talia Dror, emerged victorious in 6 trials and made it to the Nassau County FINALS, ultimately landing second place in Nassau County!
A huge congratulations to Mock Trial team members Talia Dror, Jeremy Sofiev, Rebeka Nissan, Chloe Ganjian, Julia Hajibay, Jacob Aldad, Tamir Cohen, Maytal Baruch, Shoshana Horn, Ikey Croog, Chloe Mastour, and Leanna Hakakian, and a huge thank you to Mr. Muir and Ms. Ben-Sorek for their constant help and guidance!