This week we interviewed attorney Gary Caplan. Gary practices civil legislation and ADHR…(TBD down below). Mason Caplan RotI law firm can be found at:
Silvia: What do you do at work on a daily basis?
Gary: I counsel, strategize, problem-solve, write, advocate, negotiate - the list is endless. Other than this, I prepare documents, go to court, and of course, speak to and try to understand my client and what they want.
Silvia: What is your favorite part about being a lawyer?
Gary: The best part about being a lawyer can best be summed up by Tom Hanks in the movie Philadelphia (1993), “It's that every now and again - not often, but occasionally - you get to be a part of justice being done. That really is quite a thrill when that happens.”
Silvia: What advice do you have for someone new to this industry?
Gary: Become comfortable with yourself. Learn to deal with drama and stress. Remember, you can only rely on yourself. YOU DO YOU, AND LET THEM DO THEM!
Silvia: What skills should someone in your field have?
Gary: Know about ethical boundaries. Prepare your case and prepare to argue and defend it. Prepare your witness, move in a timely manner and make sure to protect your clients' rights.
Silvia: Is there a quote that motivates you?
Gary: "Do your best - never give up no matter how hard it gets."
Silvia: How long have you worked in this industry?
Gary: I have worked in this industry for 44 years.
Silvia: What drew you to this field?
Gary: Law always interested me. I believe that it intellectually challenges a person, and that’s what pulled me- the challenge. I was drawn to the fact that there was a new problem every day that only you could fix.
Silvia: Where did you go to school?
LL.M. Osgoode Hall Law School, 1990 (Constitutional Law and Charter).
LL.M. Osgoode Hall Law School, 1998 (Alternative Dispute Resolution)
LL.B. University of Toronto, 1978
Silvia: What are your hobbies?
Gary: Buying antique wooden boats.
Silvia: What's the best job decision you ever made?
Gary: When I created a new law, the law of internet harassment, which was published in the New York Times. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Silvia: How has the industry changed since you started?
Gary: The number of lawyers per 1000 has increased; however, resources have decreased. Law has also become more and more complicated.
Silvia: What skills have you found vital to your job?
Gary: Listening, thinking about how you would feel in other people's shoes, and coming up with solutions where both sides benefit. Also, make sure to ask questions.
Silvia: Why do you do your job?
Gary: I love helping people and fighting for justice.
Silvia: Are you able to maintain a work-life balance?
Gary: No. As lawyers, we are often faced with tricky balancing acts between our professional and personal lives. The stress of working long hours, dealing with clients who don't always play fair, and juggling family responsibilities can be difficult and takes a lot of time.
Silvia: What are the benefits of being a lawyer?
Gary: The ability to cure injustice and to advocate for a client's rights. All of this and more is the thrilling part about my job. Every day is a challenge and you are changing the world each day, with every case.