Torat Yisrael
Torat Yisrael- how bright she shines,
A star in the endless night, lighting our path,
Daring the demons damaging us to continue.
Torat Yisrael- she holds her lamp for all to see.
A star in the endless night, lighting our path,
Our path of faith, hope, and trust.
Torat Yisrael, she holds her lamp, for all to see.
Beckoning to even the farthest of strays.
Our path of faith, hope, and trust,
What could we do without You?
Beckoning to even the farthest of strays!
Shouts echoing through hazes of suffering.
What could we do without You?
Why, be lost in the darkness.
Shouts echoing through hazes of suffering.
Your calls shine with Mitzvot.
Why be lost in the darkness?
Torat Yisrael, you are there for us always,
Your calls shine with Mitzvot,
Good deeds waiting to be done.
Torat Yisrael, you are there for us always,
I fear we cannot be there for you-
Good deeds waiting to be done.
Can we wait for eternity?
I fear we cannot be there for you,
Our wishes to unite in love prove a troubling task.
Can we wait for eternity?
Why must we forever wait?
Our wishes to unite in love prove a troubling task-
Perhaps it is not all who wish so.
Why must we forever wait?
Through the haze there are those on Your bright paths.
Perhaps it is not all who wish so,
We can emerge bathed in the light of Your Mitzvot,
Through the haze there are those on Your bright paths.
And we can love.
We can emerge bathed in the light of Your Mitzvot.
Our future can be as golden as the sun.
And we can love.
We can be intertwining ivy branches, each helping the next climb.
Our future can be as golden as the sun.
Your mitzvot show us this,
We can be intertwining ivy branches, each helping the next climb.
Israel, our Torah calls.
Your mitzvot show us this,
This beautiful world around us.
Israel, our Torah calls.
Torat Yisrael- how bright she shines.