Chloe GanjianOct 7, 20223 min readD'var Torah: The Unity of Sukkot In the Haftarah of the first day of Sukkot, we read about the prophecy of Zechariah regarding the war of Gog and Magog, a war of...
Chloe GanjianOct 7, 20222 min readA Message from our New Administrators, Rabbi Kobrin and Mr. Miller I can’t think of a more succinct way to say this: I’m just so happy to be here with all of you every day. It sounds a little saccharine...
Sofia LoPrestiOct 7, 20222 min readThe Club Fair at NSHAHS What’s a new school year if not for a fun event to start the year? NSHA High School hosted said fun event: a club fair, which took place...
Samantha CarmiliOct 7, 20222 min readWelcome Back to School! On September 6th, with a feeling of excitement in the air, the 2022-23 school year began with an energetic and terrific start! Not only...
Ella HakimianOct 7, 20222 min readFreshman Outing and the Big Brother/Sister ProgramThe Freshman Outing, which was organized by Mrs. Septimus, was a fun day and great way for the Class of 2026 to connect with each other,...
Ariel AzarOct 7, 20222 min readAdvice CornerIt's been a month since school started, and as you have probably witnessed, test dates are drawing near. As a senior, I have been dealing...