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A Message from our New Administrators, Rabbi Kobrin and Mr. Miller

Chloe Ganjian

I can’t think of a more succinct way to say this: I’m just so happy to be here with all of you every day. It sounds a little saccharine to say so, but it’s really true. NSHAHS is a great place: we have wonderful teachers, who really care about our kids, and great kids, who really care about school and about each other.

I have loved reconnecting with students who I know from elementary and middle school, and I have deeply enjoyed meeting kids who I never knew before – even though I repeatedly have to ask some of you what your names are.

We have a wonderful admin team, which also makes me happy. Mr. Miller and I have been friends and colleagues for many years; Rabbi Weinberg and I have been friends for almost twenty. It’s incredibly exciting for me to work with them, learn from them, and learn from and with all of you.

What will school feel like as we come back from two extremely challenging years? That’s really up to all of us. I once read that a reason we dip our apples into honey at this time of the year is because honey is the product of hundreds of bees working together, each one thinking about the group and not about their own needs (it’s told somewhat differently in the Bee Movie, but you get the point). Together, we can all make NSHAHS even more remarkable. One lesson I think we all learned from COVID was the vital importance of our in-person connections with other people. (Another is our reliance on technology and what it can and cannot do for us, but we’ll talk about that another time.)

We have some big plans for this coming school year: we’re bringing back Ruach and programming that the pandemic kept away. Shabbatonim, trips, speakers, clubs, chesed opportunities – and when we all take part in these activities, this school will rock. If we roll our eyes or wait till we are forced to take part, it will take us all longer to be rocking. But I’m extremely hopeful that won’t be the case.

Thank you all for welcoming me this year, and allow me to welcome all of you, too.

Chag Sameach to all of you and your families.

Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Kobrin


Here are a few words from our dean, Mr. Ira Miller:

I’ll begin by thanking the students, faculty, and staff for graciously welcoming me to the North Shore Hebrew Academy High School. My next impression was the inspirational energy in the classrooms, through the hallways, and in common areas. Even though school has only recently begun, I can already sense our students’ and faculty’s commitment to our educational and co-curricular programs—the joy we experience together as a learning community is beautiful. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you and assisting in all ways possible in achieving our individual and communal goals.

As I write, we are looking forward to Yom Kippur and to the Sukkot festival. Please accept my wishes for a new year, blessed with good health, joy, fulfillment, and peace.

Mr. Ira Miller



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North Shore Notes

400 N. Service Road
Great Neck, NY 11020

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