Interested in battling your friends in fun tournaments or learning more about a game of infinite sequences with your peers? If so, you should join this week's club of the week- Chess Club. Easy to play but difficult to master, chess is a fun game that requires grit and patience to succeed in. With fun tournaments arranged in the coming months, cash prizes, and snacks, you will have a great time playing with your friends. With Rabbi Chinsky and the chess team’s captain, David Yagudayev, you will learn basic chess theory and knowledge to propel your chess ability. Those who are qualified will also be able to compete in North Shore’s chess team in the Inter-Yeshiva Chess League. Last year, the chess club hosted meetings online due to the pandemic and arranged fun games on along with complicated puzzles. This year, the club plans to expand and have after school chess lessons and even more fun tournament events! The club's partnership with the Pawn Sacrifice Chess Club will allow members to participate in more events and get access to free sets and trophies. Materials are provided in all lessons! The chess club is open to new members interested in exploring a game of infinite sequences or just playing a game with peers. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!
Club of the Week: Chess Club
David Yagudayev