This weekend, six of North Shore’s elite Model UN competitors were delighted to have the wonderful opportunity to compete in Yeshiva University’s thirty fourth annual Model United Nations competition. Traveling to a luxurious hotel in Stamford Connecticut, North Shore arrived on Sunday and enjoyed a peaceful ride home through a beautiful winter wonderland.
The entire YUNMUN process was a great experience, both educationally and socially. Each school was given a country and North Shore was assigned to the Russian Federation. In order to best exemplify and represent their country, North Shore’s Model UN team learned to conduct detailed research and formulate persuasive speeches, fighting for and claiming things that they wouldn’t normally agree with, all in order to best exemplify Russia’s stance on various global issues. Furthermore, they developed and enhanced many talents including public speaking, leadership skills, teamwork and negotiation. The North Shore team became immensely competent in thinking on the spot and debating from a different point of view. Moreover, they had the opportunity to meet hundreds of other Jewish High School students who all had so much to offer. They had the chance to learn from their many methods and techniques, and formed strong friendships during the process.
At the culmination of it all, junior Abby Rutta came home with an award!
Whether it was joyously watching the Super Bowl, engaging in fun and exciting committee activities, creating resolutions to prominent and multifaceted issues, collectively solving urgent committee crises, or socializing before curfew, the Model UN team made countless memories; ones that will never be forgotten. Sophomore and competitor, Mayah Rosenzweig, completely agrees: “I learned so much from this unique and wonderful experience. Most of all however, I met some of my most amazing friends and can’t wait to share many more memories with them”.