Have you ever wondered what masterminds are behind the colorful Google sign you see on your computer screen every day? Last month, North Shore’s very own Science Society set out to answer that question. Led by our prestigious Chemistry teacher, Mr. Wykes, they had the privilege of touring the astounding work that takes place behind Google's doors. We all use Google on a day-to-day basis; whether it's for a simple search or an essay on Google Docs, but how many of us realize the work done to create the most powerful search engine that exists today?
Led by one of North Shore’s very own parents, Michael Lemonik, the Science Society was given a tour of the Google office which is located in Chelsea, Manhattan. The students described the building as the farthest thing from a typical office, having everything from couches to a pool table! Among the numerous interesting aspects of Google that they were shown, they all agreed that the most notable was the work environment. Employees could accomplish significant work, in an encouraging and collaborative setting.
One of our science society members described the workplace, stating, “Google knows how to get the most out of their employees. They create themed and playful work settings so that for the majority of the day, employees aren’t sitting in their boring cubicles. Rather, they are surrounded by creativity - which sparks creativity. “ This trip was the perfect opportunity for our motivated students to take a sneak peek into the real world and see what a future in the tech-based workforce could look like.