Usually, many Americans will return to see their families for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, the pandemic is restricting the ability for families to gather. However, despite the growing number of Covid cases, 6.8 million people went through TSA checkpoints in the week leading up to Thanksgiving. Although this number is lower compared to the previous years, it is still significant, considering the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic. The CDC issued a warning on November 19th to avoid travelling for Thanksgiving due to a rise in COVID cases. In addition, for the people who do decide to travel, different states have different safety precautions and travel laws. New York has put restrictions on travelers entering the state. These also apply to anyone who leaves New York for over 24 hours and then returns. Such individuals must take a Covid test within three days before arriving in New York. Once in New York, an individual must quarantine for 3 days, and take a second Covid test on the fourth day. If both Covid tests are negative, a person can then exit their quarantine period. If this procedure is not followed, or either one of the tests are positive, then the individual must quarantine for two weeks. Covid has made travel complicated and difficult especially during this holiday season.
Traveling during Thanksgiving
David Hanan