In a school with an enormous range of course options, sports, extracurriculars and school-wide events, every student has the opportunity to explore their interests and excel. Each student in the school has their own “thing”- something that they are deeply involved in and passionate about. For junior Elisheva Nassimi, that “thing” is North Shore’s art program. Elisheva is taking Advanced Placement Art, and she is a member of the Fashion Club and Drawing and Painting Club. Elisheva says that “the art program is one of the most magical programs that the school offers. The art teachers, Mrs. Folk and Mrs. Damacco, create a loving and welcoming environment for everyone. Every day, as I walk into the art room, my heart breaks because I know that I’m going to have to let it go when I graduate.” Junior Tamir Cohen says that his favorite part about North Shore is the Beit Midrash Program, where students learn Gemara for two periods each day, instead of just one. Tamir looks forward to learning in the Beit Midrash with his peers and Rabbi Weiss each day. He says that he is grateful for the opportunity to further explore his interest in Gemara, and he especially admires Rabbi Weiss’s teaching style. In the realm of sports, junior Boris Mulod says that his favorite part about North Shore is the hockey team. He says that playing on the hockey team makes him feel amazing. He especially likes the warm, welcoming, and encouraging environment that student-captain Daniel Kovan (‘22) creates. Senior Abigail Mottahedeh says that Shiriyah, the school-wide color war, is one of her favorite parts about North Shore. She loves the way students come together as a team, and she feels that Shiriyah is the time when she really gets to connect with everybody in her grade. She especially admires the way the school feels like one giant family during the event. Junior Natalie Dror loves the Tarbut program that North Shore offers. As she says, “I had an incredible time at the Van Gogh Exhibit in New York City. I am grateful that our school encourages students to explore the greater outside world.”
As you can see, there is so much for students to partake in behind the glass doors at the entrance of North Shore. Whether you are an athlete, artist, or aspiring community leader, there is something here for everyone!