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Welcome to North Shore Notes, The Online Newspaper of North Shore Hebrew Academy High School. Scroll down to read our latest issues.

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Parshat Vayigash

This week’s parsha, Parshat Vayigash, describes the emotional reunion of Joseph and his brothers after 22 years. The last time Joseph had...


During the holiday of Chanukah, we commemorate the two prominent miracles that G-d manifested: the military victory, where the Maccabees...

Spirit Week

This week was spirit week and everyday we got to partake in a fun activity. Wednesday was north shore apparel day, and students were...

North Shore's Got Talent!

To be a star in your academics is one thing, but to share your talent with others puts you on a pedestal. To see my classmates share such...

Why Doesn't God Feed the Poor?

It is not too rare that we stumble upon homeless or hungry people while going about our daily lives. One might ask, why doesn’t G-d...

Lighting the Chanukiah

As Chanukah is approaching, it is finally time to eat sufganiyot and latkes, spend time with family, and get gifts! One major part of...

Class of the Week: Talmud!

While eleventh grade is a difficult year for most, students have the opportunity to take an array of interesting classes. There are tons...

Career Day at North Shore

This November, North Shore launched a new initiative to help students begin thinking more in-depth about their future occupations. To...

Club of the Week: Women Who Work

Success is not handed to you on a silver platter, rather it is earned through perseverance and hard work. Interested in learning about...

Advice Column: How to Spend a Free Period

If you’re anything like me, when you find out you have a free period. you immediately begin to imagine all the things you can get done....

Parshat Vayeshev

In Parshat Vayeshev, Yosef goes through a lot. He is sold into slavery by his brothers, accused falsely by Potiphar’s wife, and sent to...

Toy Drive

Chanukah is early this year and there are many families who will not be able to buy gifts for their kids. Chai Lifeline is a chesed...

Current Events

When you hear the word coyote you probably think of prairies and deserts. But guess what? Did you know that coyotes are now living with...

Dr. Vitow: More Than a Headmaster

This past week, I had the privilege of sitting down with our very own Headmaster to get to know a little more about North Shore’s “big...

Mitzvah Corner

In all of our Judaic studies classes, we learn about the importance of helping others and performing Chesed. Whether it’s by giving...

Dvar Torah: Parshat Vayishlach

This week’s parsha, Parshat Vayishlach, begins with the reunion between Yaakov and Esav. Many years earlier, Yakov had run away from his...

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North Shore Notes

400 N. Service Road
Great Neck, NY 11020

©2020 by North Shore Notes, North Shore Hebrew Academy High School

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