Jordana BruckheimerOct 20, 20232 min readThe Sign of the RainbowMuch of this week’s parsha, parshat Noach, is consumed by the extermination of a wicked and corrupt generation by flood. Quite famously,...
Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey KobrinOct 19, 20231 min readWelcome Letter from Rabbi KobrinWelcome back to school! I have been very impressed with how you have all adapted to the challenges of the new schedule and our longer...
Sofia and IlanaOct 19, 20231 min readLetter from the EditorsWelcome to the first issue of North Shore Notes. Unfortunately, this is not a typical issue, because we are not living in typical times....
Natalie TerraniOct 19, 20232 min readZoom: Israeli Students Discuss the Current WarLast week, a Zoom meeting took place between Israeli students currently experiencing the war and Morah Taylor’s students. The Israeli...
Kayla GhaytanchiOct 18, 20231 min read What are we Doing to Combat Anti Semitism? During, and even before these terrible times in Israel, Jews all around the world have been on the receiving end of antisemitism, whether...
Avital Abramov Oct 18, 20232 min readStudent Opinion The last week has taken a toll on many; Jews specifically, but really, it had a profound impact on people of all backgrounds around the...
Yuval HalivaOct 18, 20232 min readISRAEL UNDER ATTACKIsrael, a land promised to us by Hashem. A land whose purpose is to unite the Jewish people. The Jewish people’s only home meant to be at...