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Welcome to North Shore Notes, The Online Newspaper of North Shore Hebrew Academy High School. Scroll down to read our latest issues.

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The Club Fair at NSHAHS

What’s a new school year if not for a fun event to start the year? NSHA High School hosted said fun event: a club fair, which took place...

Welcome Back to School!

On September 6th, with a feeling of excitement in the air, the 2022-23 school year began with an energetic and terrific start! Not only...

Advice Corner

It's been a month since school started, and as you have probably witnessed, test dates are drawing near. As a senior, I have been dealing...

Dvar Torah: Parshat Beha'alotcha

This week's parsha, Parshat Beha'alotcha, begins by describing Hashem's commandment to Aharon Ha'Kohen to light the menorah in the...

Shavuot Program

Last Thursday, North Shore hosted a Torah Learning event for students and their families in preparation for the Holiday of Shavuot....

Summer break? More like summer work.

The only thing keeping most students going by this time of year is the fact that summer break is just weeks away. While relaxing all day...

Dvar Torah: Parshat Bechukotai

This week’s parsha, Parshat Bechukotai, focuses on Tochecha, the Torah’s warning of the dire consequences that Bnei Yisrael is destined...

Senior "World of Work" Internship Program

As I’m sure most students have noticed, North Shore seniors are no longer roaming school hallways or blasting music in the lunchroom....

Lag BaOmer at NSHAHS

As many of you know, Lag BaOmer is a festive holiday that we celebrate on the thirty-third day of the counting of the Omer. At North...

North Shore Students Tackle the 2022 AP Exams

As a method of preparing students for college, College Board permits students to take college-level courses in high school. These courses...

Dvar Torah- Parshat Metzorah

In this week's Parsha, Parshat Metzorah, the Torah describes the process of diagnosing a Metzorah, someone afflicted with tzara'at....

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North Shore Notes

400 N. Service Road
Great Neck, NY 11020

©2020 by North Shore Notes, North Shore Hebrew Academy High School

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