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Welcome to North Shore Notes, The Online Newspaper of North Shore Hebrew Academy High School. Scroll down to read our latest issues.

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Advice Column

The reality of high school is not at all what the Disney channel movies we watched as kids made it out to be. Instead of school dances,...

Book Review: Heart Bones

[scroll down to understand the asterisks] If you ask North Shore students who their current favorite author is, 9 out of 10 will say the...

The Knicks’ Key to Contention

The early success of the Knicks last season came as a surprise. Led by breakout star Julius Randle, a rejuvenated Derrick Rose and one of...

Chayei Sara

Although this parasha is called Chayei Sara, life of Sara, it starts off with Sara’s death. The Torah mentions “The years of Sarah’s...

Chesed Corner: Tefillah Tuesdays

As time goes by in the NSHAHS, more and more amazing Chesed opportunities are offered to us all! This year, Mrs. Septimus, our Chesed...

COVID Update : Boosters and Mix & Match

How long are the COVID shots good for? That was the question many have been asking as the FDA and CDC finally recommended booster shots. ...

Compromise struck on Capitol Hill

As the debt ceiling draws near, instead of the Democrats passing their 3.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill, Democrats are forced to...

Business Section

While some high school students are undecided on what they want to do in life, others have some strong ideas early on. One of the great...

Parshat Vayera: Seeing the Ram

The episode of Akeidat Yitzchak takes place in this week's Parsha, Parshat Vayera. In the last moments before Avraham is about to...

October Student of the Month: Chloe Ganjian

North Shore Notes is pleased to announce that our very own Creative Director, Chloe Ganjian, is October’s student of the month. Chloe is...

Class Review: AP Macroeconomics

I vividly remember sitting in the NSHAHS gymnasium as an eighth-grader and listening in awe as Dr. Vitow and the student panelists...

Advice Corner

Now that the holidays are over and school is in full swing, I'm sure everyone is feeling overwhelmed and stressed. If you're anything...

Friendship Circle Walkathon

Every year, Friendship Circle, a charity organization for children and young adults with special needs, holds a walkathon to raise funds...

Club of the Week: Environmental Club

Earth is the most beautiful planet, and we all have the pleasure to enjoy it. The environment plays an important role in a peaceful and...

Simmons and the Sixers

NBA player and All-Star Ben Simmons plays for the Philadelphia 76ers, who are also known as the Sixers. Ben Simmons wants to move out of...

Dvar Torah: Parshat Lech Lecha

In this week’s parsha, parshat Lech Lecha, G-d reveals himself to Avraham, saying, “And G‑d said to Abraham: 'Go from your land, your...

The Power of Emunah

What is Emunah? Emunah is a person’s exclusive, or personal, faith in Hashem. Every person has their own level of Emunah which Hashem...

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North Shore Notes

400 N. Service Road
Great Neck, NY 11020

©2020 by North Shore Notes, North Shore Hebrew Academy High School

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