Professional Interview: Gary Caplan
This week we interviewed attorney Gary Caplan. Gary practices civil legislation and ADHR…(TBD down below). Mason Caplan RotI law firm can...
Welcome to North Shore Notes, The Online Newspaper of North Shore Hebrew Academy High School. Scroll down to read our latest issues.
This week we interviewed attorney Gary Caplan. Gary practices civil legislation and ADHR…(TBD down below). Mason Caplan RotI law firm can...
At this time of year, we cannot help but think about the middah of Hakarat Hatov. We begin every day with Modeh Ani and Birchot Hashachar...
HaShem grants us infinite potential, and we are capable of reaching unimaginable heights if we put in the work. HaShem orchestrates our...
At the beginning of every year, the North Shore Hebrew Academy High School takes the freshman class on a Shabbaton to start off their...
This past Thursday, November 17th, the North Shore Hebrew Academy hosted its second Mishmar of the Year! Mishmar provides students with a...
This past Wednesday, November 16th, marked the official start of the college admissions process for North Shore's current junior class!...
On Wednesday, November 16th, the North Shore Hebrew Academy chess team faced off against HANC in a tight competition. North Shore's team...
This week's Parsha is Chayei Sarah, חַיֵּי שָׂרָה. At the beginning of the parsha, Sarah passes away at the age of one hundred...
Pep Rallies are held in schools all throughout the world, but North Shore provides its students with an experience unlike any other. The...
On Wednesday, November 2nd, the Class of 2023 had the privilege of praying Shacharit on the soccer field while overlooking the morning...
On Tuesday, November 8th, students and faculty older than 16 (who met other requirements) were eligible to participate in a life-saving...
October 30th was a very exciting day for North Shore: We welcomed over 100 prospective students to our campus to visit the grounds and...
Hello everyone, my name is Silvia Yakubova. Each month, I will share an interview with professionals in different fields to bring you,...
Everything in our lives is a blessing; it all comes directly from Hashem. Oftentimes, when we acquire materialistic pleasures, we...
One of the most amazing things about NSHAHS is that it provides students with so many opportunities to participate in chesed activities...
From the beginning of time, humans have been reading life like a book, trying to search for its hidden theme. Scientists have...
Mr. Choudhury is North Shore Hebrew Academy High School’s newest Science Research teacher. Born and raised in New York, Mr. Choudhury has...
This November marks the first time the North Shore Hebrew Academy High School (“NSHAHS”) Art Department will partner with the Great Neck...
This past Tuesday, October 25, several North Shore students took part in an online Model Congress competition hosted by HAFTR. Model...
In the Haftarah of the first day of Sukkot, we read about the prophecy of Zechariah regarding the war of Gog and Magog, a war of...